The Disciple Dilemma Podcast
We've been hacked! Western Christian discipleship has been infiltrated by an 1,800 year-old virus - a hacking that's eroding our ability to do what Christians are destined to do. Conversational podcasts with thought leaders of all types and stripes in business, the arts, the media, the academies, the churches - about the dilemma.
The Disciple Dilemma Podcast
The Lost Art of "Follow Me": Dennis is live at Reston Presbyterian Church, on The Disciple Dilemma
Dennis is live at Reston Presbyterian Church to talk about false gods, discipleship and the big mystery that changed a nation. How did so many false gods infest the Temple of Jerusalem? Why did a King ditch his father and grandfather's religionS?? What was the society changing secret?
A Lost Art: "Follow Me"
2 Chronicles 34.1-8 and 14-19 (Parallel Passages: 2 Kings 22 & 23)
Context & Background: Deuteronomy 17.19-20; 1 Kings 13.1-2; 2 Kings 21; Jeremiah 1 & 2; Nehemiah; Matthew 16.24; Matthew 28.19; Mark 1.16; Luke 9.23; John 8.31; John 13.35; 2 Corinthians 5.17
1) How did the false gods of Chemosh, Ashtoreth, Molech, Baal and Milcomm come to set up shop inside the Temple of Jerusalem?
2) What message from God did Hilkiah, a mentor/discipler of King Josiah discover when he started Temple renovations?
3) Could it be that those gods are still among us? And the import of that message lost again?
Judah’s “follow” of God had been "hacked" - malware of the gods
Why the emphasis on “Follow Me”? Because it is your Mission
What caused Josiah to NOT be like his father Amon?
Mentors - Hilkiah; Shaphan; (Possibly his grandfather Mannaseh?)
Wingmen - Abdon, Ahikam and Jeremiah
Josiah credited with “doing right”, but no clue how far off base he is!
Then it happens: 2 Chronicles 34:14 – 19
The theme of Deuteronomy? “Follow Me, Like This”
Diagnostic “Follow Me” questions:
1. Have you ever been personally discipled? (Not meaning a class/small group)
2. Do you have a wingman/woman? (Not your spouse)
3. Could you mentor someone in “Follow Me” if asked?
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