

Dennis Allen

A six-time Chief Executive Officer specializing in “turnarounds” for Wall Street backed corporations, Dennis has spoken at Universities, churches and conferences focusing on leadership and discipleship. Dennis currently serves in businesses and charities, as well as his experience in churches of all sizes – megas, mids and startups – as an elder, deacon and teacher. A combat-rated Air Force F-15 fighter pilot, and an alumnus of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, Dennis lives with his bride Karen in the Washington DC area.


Dr. Raymond Monroe

Dr. Raymond Monroe is husband to Renee, father of five and grandfather of eighteen! Raymond is the Executive Vice President of The Steel Founders Society of America, a national technical and industry manufacturing association based near Chicago. He received his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from Auburn University and his PhD in Manufacturing Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic University. Raymond and Renee are members of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Crystal Lake, IL where Raymond serves in teaching and leadership roles. Dennis counts Raymond among his key discipling mentors, dating back to the mid-1990’s when the two men met through a manufacturing technology joint venture.